Daily Devotional

Insecure Inadequate... Incorrect

July 29, 2021


2 Kings 21:1-22:22 Chronicles 33:1-34:7Jeremiah 1:1-2:22Jeremiah 1:6-9, “‘Alas, Sovereign Lord,’ I said, ‘I do not know how to speak; I am too young.’ But the Lord said to me, ‘Do not say, “I am too young.” You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,’ declares the Lord. Then the Lord reached out His hand and touched my mouth and said to me, ‘I have put My words in your mouth.’”


Have you ever felt inadequate? Or have you ever experienced imposter syndrome — that belief that you aren’t as competent as others think you are?Jeremiah certainly did. When the God of the universe told him he was set apart from birth and appointed to be a prophet for the nations, Jeremiah’s response amounted to, “Uh, yeah, I think You’ve got the wrong guy. See, I’m not so great with words, and I’m too young.” But what the Lord showed him, and what He desires to show us, is that when God gives us a job to do, He provides us with all that we need to accomplish it. Our limitations do not limit God.So, whatever God asks of you, don’t try to constrain Him with your concepts of what is and isn’t possible. There’s a reason God touched Jeremiah on the mouth and told him not to indulge his insecurities. Words have power, and we can talk ourselves out of many great things that He has in store for us if we give voice to those doubts. It’s our job not to give them that ground — to hold fast to the promise that God will be with us, will rescue us, will be our strength, and will give us words when we have none. Remember, if He didn’t think we were up to the job, He wouldn’t have given it to us in the first place; He sets us up for success and provides the support we need to do the work. Believe it, and you’ll be amazed at what God will do in and through your life!



Lord Jesus, Make my heart obedient to You and help me trust in You more and more each day. Remove my excuses and subdue my insecurities. You are greater than all these things. I’m so thankful that I can rely on You! Amen.

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